Good People Have Good Sex: Averted he and Saya have a very active sex life even though they get more depraved as the story goes on.Girl-on-Girl Is Hot: He got really, really aroused by watching Saya and Yoh exchanging saliva and sperm after cumming from a boob job, causing his penis to be fully erect in a few seconds.First-Name Basis: To all of his friends.Fate Worse than Death: How he viewed his abnormal condition up until Saya came into his life.Failure Is the Only Option: He and Saya don't end up together in any of the game's 3 endings.In Koji's nightmare, he appears with a Gory Discretion Shot by having his upper body darken in shadow with blood running down.

Facial Horror: In the ending where Humanity wins, Fuminori commits suicide by repeatedly slamming his face onto the blade of the ax several times after Saya gets killed.He succeeds in one of the three endings (Humanity wins) in a particularly gory way, by smashing his face repeatedly into the blade of an ax. Driven to Suicide: Attempted it three months prior to the beginning of the game due to his condition, but didn't succeed.The Dragon: To Saya, being the main ally in her mission.Double Think: Fuminori's cognitively aware that his agnosia is making mundane people and scenery look horrifying, but that doesn't stop him from being disgusted by the world and dehumanizing his former friends.Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: Unknowingly at first, as his lover, Saya is an Eldritch Abomination, but later he willingly joins her.Decoy Protagonist: After his FaceHeel Turn, the story actually starts focusing on Koji, his (former) best friend, though he still plays a major role.Death Glare: From the perspective of others, Fuminori looks tense.Conveniently an Orphan: The fact that both his parents were killed in the horrific car crash means no one really knows what's going on inside his house.Combat Pragmatist: He won't hesitate in using sneak attacks or psychological warfare to gain an advantage.As a result, Fuminori winds up in a mental facility instead of prison and gets to peacefully live out the rest of his days. However, fate isn't completely cruel to him, as law enforcement brings in a psychiatrist who does believe him. Unfortunately, they don't believe his explanation of what really happened and arrest him for all the murders.